

Hey! :)

My name is Viktória Nemkin, I’m a PhD student at BME VIK SZIT, you can email me at [email protected] with any questions you have!

We are a competitive programming student club for BME students, mainly I’m the person organizing our activities.

If you’re interested in participating, there are multiple ways you can do that:

Join us on Discord

Anyone is welcome to join us on the VProg Discord (other universities too)!

Follow us on social media

We have social media accounts you can follow to see what we are up to! :)

Intro video series

We are currently working on an introductory video series, designed to help students who have not yet done competitive programming to get up to speed on the topic.

This assumes basic knowledge of algorithms, data structures and the C++ programming language, so it is mainly aimed at 2nd year software engineering students, who have already taken ITC1, ITC2, ThAlg, Prog1 and Prog2 (for the Hungarians, these are BSZ1, BSZ2, Algel, Prog1 and Prog2 ) . If you’re a determined first year student, reach out to me and I can help you find materials to cover any missing gaps!

In the video series we give out homeworks for each episode, that you can submit on Discord and discuss any question you have with me and the others. You can watch and submit the homeworks from any episodes, completely async. Our goal is for this to be an ongoing series that newcomers can start doing whenever they would like.

For more details, watch the first video here:

You can find the rest of the series on our youtube channel @bmevprog.

And you can also follow us on our social media! :)

Codeforces contests

You can join us on competing against each other on current Codeforces contests! You can take up the @codeforces role, so you’ll be notified of all contests happening.

You can do this when you join the server by answering the onboarding questions:

Or you can also do this later in the Channels & Roles section:

I recently did a recording on one of those contests, if you’re interested in what it looks like, you can check it out here: (I’ve made some mistakes, lol.)

Live advanced meetings

We have live advanced meetings at BME, room IB134 every Tuesday from 6 pm. Right now we are solving ICPC CERC exercises from Kattis to prepare for the upcoming ICPC contest, like these.

If you have former competitive programming experience (i.e. you’ve participated in Nemes Tihamér, OKTV, CEOI, IOI or Codeforces contests in the past), this is definitely your place!

We use the cp-algorithms site as a resource on more advanced data structures and algorithms. This contains more than you need, but our intro video series does not cover everything yet (we’re still working on it :) ).

Competing in ICPC

If you get into competitive programming, the most important contest you’ll go to during your college years is ICPC. I’m also currently the ICPC coach for BME and one of the people who organizes the registration of the BME teams to ICPC Hungary and travel for our delegated teams to ICPC CERC.

The BME ICPC website is, you can find all ICPC-related news here.

Hope to see you around! :)
